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Our Eleven Step Program

"By the air of your sweet breath, speak to me of serenity
and by the fire of your bright spirit, share a spark of courage
By the waters of your womb, cleanse me in healing wisdom
and by the earth that is your body, empower my spirit in transformation."

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The Eleven Steps

1. Feeling powerless, hopeless, and confused, we became aware that certain areas of our life had spiraled out of control.
2. We understood that we were lost in this chaotic cycle of behavior, stemming from the disease of addiction in a loved one or ourself.
3. Turning to our Gods for guidance and loving support, we set upon the path to recovery.
4. We made a commitment to begin our personal healing by using the tools of recovery, drawing strength from our Pagan-based roots.
5. We explored our personal inventory with a trusted sponsor, until we honestly acknowledged our negative patterns of behavior and their causes.
6. We reflected upon our inventory through prayer and meditation, accepting that change begins with discarding these destructive patterns in our behavior.
7. We began dealing with each aspect of our personal inventory, discovering a renewed awareness of our authentic self.
8. We made a list of anyone we had hurt or harmed, and through our amends attempted to repair those relationships, through friendship, service, and love.
9. Now actively healing, we acknowledge that recovery requires loving mindfulness and a spirit willing to change; and an acceptance that mistakes are opportunities for continued growth.
10. Celebrating our daily gifts of renewed strength and serenity, we gratefully walk with our Gods upon this chosen path of personal recovery.
11. We extend a hand in fellowship, confident in the promise of a new beginning for others, "In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust".

Copyright, April 2014 * New Beginnings Pagan Recovery : Eleven Steps and logo. All rights reserved. Copying electronically
sharing, or distributing is forbidden, without written permission from the Wiccan Interfaith Council International.


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Copyright, 2006 - 2017 * Wiccan Interfaith Council International - New Beginnings Pagan Recovery. Incorporated as a 501 (c)(3)non-profit religious,
educational, and charitable organization, on November 1, 2007, and in the state of Indiana and Texas, USA. Intent to publish, post, edit, share or copy
any information, graphics, and/or WICI-New Beginnings logos from the Wiccan Interfaith Council International website in ANY format (printed forms,
digital copy/transfer, emails, text, or Tweet) is strictly forbidden. Any attempt to forward and/or use (by any group, organization, or individual) is
considered misleading, unethical, and is not condoned by the Wiccan Interfaith Council. Permission to copy and distribute must be obtained in writing
from the WICI Council Board of Elders.