Image of Wiccan Interfaith Council global banner



Image of two hands reaching for a lit pentagram

The Wiccan Interfaith Council International offers advertising to Pagan, Wiccan, Witch, Heathen – based business, religious groups,
and organizations.

Current Sponsors


Sponsorship Rates are:


TEXT LINK AD: $25.00 for six months ~ $45.00 for a year

BANNER AD: $35.00 for six months ~ $60.00 for a year


2"x2" = $15.00 ~ 3" x 3" = $35.00

Contact the Wiccan Interfaith Council for a SPONSOR FORM:

Image of a purple

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Yes! I would also like a WICI membership application.

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What are my Sponsorship contributions used for?

All boxed donations and monetary contributions, sponsorships, and membership fees go to help the WICI cover
the many costs of running an international organization: post office fees, internet charges, event hosting, Projects, etc.

The Wiccan Interfaith Council International is:

~ A non-profit religious, educational, and charitable organization ~

We hold a 501 (c)(3) Public Charities status ~ (170)(b)(1)(A)(i) ~

with the federal government, effective November 1, 2007,

as a "church or conventions or association of churches".

Incorporated on November 1, 2007 * in the State of Indiana,
as a non-profit religious, educational, and charitable organization.

Home ~ Membership ~ Our Sponsors ~ 2009 Calendar ~ How Can I Help? ~ Contact Us

Copyright, 2006 - 2016 * Wiccan Interfaith Council International - New Beginnings Pagan Recovery. Incorporated as a 501 (c)(3)non-profit religious,
educational, and charitable organization, on November 1, 2007, and in the state of Indiana and Texas, USA. Intent to publish, post, edit, share or copy
any information, graphics, and/or WICI-New Beginnings logos from the Wiccan Interfaith Council International website in ANY format (printed forms,
digital copy/transfer, emails, text, or Tweet) is strictly forbidden. Any attempt to forward and/or use (by any group, organization, or individual) is
considered misleading, unethical, and is not condoned by the Wiccan Interfaith Council. Permission to copy and distribute must be obtained in writing
from the WICI Council Board of Elders.