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WEAVING TRADITIONS: A Pagan Pathway to Worship


Available to order for $12.50

"I find your journal, Weaving Traditions, to be more than a good resource material -

Blessed Be, Gerry, April 2016

"The Wiccan Interfaith Council’s journal, Weaving Traditions is wonderfully written.
It’s thorough, but not overwhelming. The information clearly comes from experience and credible,
cited sources. I enjoyed reading it and am glad to have it as a valuable reference. It explains a lot
of basic things about paganism in a way that is easy to understand. I enjoy how it includes a lot of
topics, such as history, worship, deities and festivals.

I appreciate all the hard work that went into this publication and can't wait to share it with my family!"

-Lauren / June, 2013

" "Weaving Traditions" is a great source and reference point for beginners and long-time seekers on the
Pagan path. A nice, quick read, but a lifetime reference book. A great introduction to Paganism, its diverse
branches, holy days, and some basic principles. Also, a wonderful resource for those outside Paganism who
seek to better know and understand the faith.

I enjoyed the group effort that brought this journal to light. I am so grateful for the cooperation of the members
of the Wiccan Interfaith Council International and the dedication of the Director, Lady Paulette, and the Board of
Elders so that we can all enjoy the knowledge they have shared with us."

Blessed Be ~ Rachael / July 2013"

Our first publication, Weaving Traditions (ISSN 2473-4934), is a collection of essays by WICI members
on the basic elements of the Wiccan religion.

Available to order for $12.50 ~ (price includes shipping/handling)*

Created by our WICI membership, this educational journal is an introduction to the world
of Wicca, suitable for newcomers into the Craft, as well as their family and friends.
It is also an excellent resource for prison ministry and community outreach.

All sample pages are under copyright TXu 1-852-891 and may not be
photocopied, downloaded, emailed, or sent via any communication device.

Softcover: 32 pages, Illustrated
Publisher: WICI Press; First Edition (May, 2013)
Language: English
Copyright: TXu 1-852-891
ISSN 2473-4934
Shipping Weight: 2.5 oz.

Ships from Austin, Texas within 24 hours.

Printed by alphagraphics of Austin.

Via Pay Pal:

or by postal mail:

Please contact us for more information :

* Please note that it may cost more for shipping outside of the U.S.

Collected funds from this journal goes towards printing additional copies and editions
of Weaving Traditions and implementing service work through our other WICI projects.

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Copyright, 2006 - 2016 * Wiccan Interfaith Council International - New Beginnings Pagan Recovery. Incorporated as a 501 (c)(3)non-profit religious,
educational, and charitable organization, on November 1, 2007, and in the state of Indiana and Texas, USA. Intent to publish, post, edit, share or copy
any information, graphics, and/or WICI-New Beginnings logos from the Wiccan Interfaith Council International website in ANY format (printed forms,
digital copy/transfer, emails, text, or Tweet) is strictly forbidden. Any attempt to forward and/or use (by any group, organization, or individual) is
considered misleading, unethical, and is not condoned by the Wiccan Interfaith Council. Permission to copy and distribute must be obtained in writing
from the WICI Council Board of Elders.